I spent the last two weekends away from home, and find myself immensely refreshed now. The first weekend away was spent in Chicago, a city I've been in love with since my first visit. I had a great time hanging out with two of my roommates from college. The second weekend was spent in Eastern Kentucky with a different group of college friends. We were in semi-mountainous terrain, which is a huge change from where I live. The leaves had started to change, and the weather was chilly and crisp. Fall is my favorite season, so this was paradise. On the last day, we went on a short and not-too-strenuous hike and saw a huge and incredible natural arch and a small, undeveloped cave. I was taking in all the leaves and the land and just the feeling of being in the woods, and the wonder of seeing little bats in the cave, and I realized that both trips had recharged my batteries, but in different ways. In the city, I feel energized and lively. I can feel Chicago living and breathing around me. In the woods, I feel peace. I can feel life living and breathing around me. If I could only see one of these things ever again--wonderful cities or wild places--I think I'd choose wild places. But losing the cities would break my heart.