Monday, May 07, 2007

Okay. But dogs CAN look up!

This is a public service announcement. If you like or once liked stereotypical cop movies, like Point Break or Bad Boys or Die Hard or Lethal Weapon, you need to go see Hot Fuzz. If you liked Shaun of the Dead, you need to go see Hot Fuzz. If you haven't seen Shaun of the Dead, you need to watch it and then go watch Hot Fuzz. If you didn't like Shaun of the Dead, then you need to keep it to yourself, or you'll make the baby Jesus cry. For serious.

I, unlike Danger, watched and liked Point Break back in high school, so Hot Fuzz was especially amusing. Even if you don't watch cop movies, I think you'll still be able to enjoy Hot Fuzz. I didn't catch Shaun of the Dead until it was out on DVD, but I loved it, even though I've never watched a proper zombie movie (I don't think Resident Evil counts).

With Shaun of the Dead, I remember going into it thinking it was going to be a parody and then being sort of thrown off balance when it wasn't so much a parody as it was a zombie movie with funny parts. I also remember thinking it was funny but not hilarious, but then spending the next few days recalling lines and scenes that just got funnier the more time they had to sink in. Hot Fuzz is sort of like that, too. It's a cop movie that pays homage to other cop movies, and that happens to have some hilarious parts, and it's even better the second time.


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