Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lend me some sugar; I am your neighbor!

I had a Googleage report going, and then my browser crashed and ate it, and I can't be arsed to start over.

Here's a cute picture of my cat instead:

Also, a song that with one line almost makes me willing to forgive pop music for a multitude of sins:

And finally, please go wish the bibliophile a happy birthday!


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hi! You stopped by my blog, so I'm stopping by yours! I just want to put my face in that belly fur and snorgle it!

  2. When I die I want to come back as Kitters. Kitters is having the kind of day I fantasize about....

  3. He is very good for long as you watch out for the teeth!

  4. That's an AWESOME picture.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I'd take the teeth for one snorgle anyday.

    Reminds me of my buns, all flopped out. I'll have to put up a picture. I think I'll do that!

  6. That poor kitty needs to relax a little. He looks way too uptight.
    NOT! HAHA. I'm insanely jealous.
