Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Velocibadgergirl's Foolproof Rainstorm RecipeTM

1. Check before work.

2. Trusting that "8 AM:  scattered T-storms; 9 AM - infinity:  sunny and clear" means what it says, and not "8 AM - 4 PM:  drab and overcast; 4 PM - 5:30 PM:  Noahtian deluge and crazy-ass lightning," neglect to pack raincoat and / or umbrella.

3. Wear clothing completely unsuitable for walking through the rain, i.e. a thin shirt, heavy jeans, or anything especially nice or not prone to quick air-drying. Bonus points if you choose the outfit because you are planning to wear it to some event after work. Additional bonus points if said jeans are your only clean pair.

4. Proceed through day as normal.

5. Curse inevitable downpour from 4 PM - 5:30 PM.

Works every time, I'm telling you.


  1. Oh suck. The only thing that could have gone worse is if you were wearing your favorite pair of heels and then the stiletto broke off of one, whilst you walked in the downpour.

    Wait, that didn't happen, did it?

  2. Too funny! Lately, you just need to count on rain no matter what. It seems to come at some point every day.

  3. you forgot to wear shoes with practically no sole elevation (i.e. converse). too bad i didn't forget to wear them. at least i wore a black shirt, so every freakishly large water droplet didn't make a screamingly obvious and bra revealing wet spot.

  4. Dude, that sucks. And about the shoe comment from RM, I think I'll start a survey on my blog: would you rather wear closed toed shoes with socks and have wet socks or would you rather wear sandals and have wet feet? ;)

  5. Sigh.

    I'm sorry. :(

    Yesterday as I was trying to wrestle my very excited dog into the car during a downpour, I could totally sympathize with this.
