Friday, October 26, 2007

Tactically, I believe this is what's known as a Bad Plan

As I was driving to work this morning (still in my sister's car), I had a sudden realization that I couldn't remember the last time I bought gas. I've been so ridiculously busy at work that lots of things have been falling by the wayside (including, for instance, shopping for a new car), so this wasn't a big surprise.

What was a surprise was looking down to see the gas gauge hovering around empty.

I promised the car I'd take it out for a fill-up at lunch, if it could just get me to work and then to the gas station.

As I turned onto the street leading to my workplace, at a point when I could literally see the parking lot where I needed to be, the engine died.

Luckily, there was one spot open along the street parking, and I had just enough momentum left to guide the car into that spot like it was my plan all along. I would've probably just left it there and walked the half-block to work, but I was in front of an alley and didn't want to risk a ticket. I called my dad to bring me some gas, and he got there in under ten minutes (Yay, Dad!), and all in all, things could've been so much worse.

But still...BAD PLAN. I'm such a dork.


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Been there, done that, got a ride from a stranger from the end of the off ramp 20ft to the gas station and back, still have the plastic gas can to prove it. Somehow still made it to morning PT relatively on time.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Oh no! I always worry about running out of gas. I'm glad you made it somewhere safely.
