Sunday, October 14, 2007

The things we do for love

Most of the time, it's probably a good thing that MB doesn't have a blog. After all, I do a pretty good job documenting my own dumbassery for the whole world to see...I don't really need help.

However, last week, when there was a spider crawling on his arm in the car, and he held out his arm to me in desperate supplication (he was driving) and I plucked the offending arachnid from his skin without hesitation, with my bare hand, and then didn't even freak out when the spider fell into my lap and vanished somewhere in the neighborhood of my crotch? He should've been required to blog about my awesomeosity.


  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Wow, that IS dedication!

    I think I need you as the resident bug catcher around here. ;)

  2. Please come to live with me. I'll cook for you and clean for you and buy you pretty things.

  3. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Yay, another fellow "not afraid of spiders" gal! I think it's fine for you to blog about your own awesomeosity (a fun word to say out loud repeatedly, by the way)!

  4. Oh, My, God!

  5. Beyond awesome, you are. Also I'm thinking he owes you.
