Friday, December 21, 2007

lolkitters of the week


  1. this THE real original bilbastic lol kitter himself??!! famous AND famus??!!! did he make his great wide internet debut?! or is this some frighteningly similar look alike (btw...that wrapping paper? freaking rocks)

  2. No, that's him, but he's not on the official lolcat site. They have a lolcat builder where you can upload your own photos and add captions, so that's what I do every week. So far, none of his pictures have been voted onto the real site, but we keep dreaming of the day that he gets his well-deserved fame!

  3. I am so smart! S-M-R-T!!!

    Yeah. I didn't notice the on the other ones so I figured you'd just made them. I saw it on this one and thought HE MADE IT!

    Dammit. He SHOULD be a real one but I'll take him not yet "famus" for now. Give him loads of kitty kisses!
