Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well, hello. Thursday already? How did that happen?

I very nearly stabbed myself in the wrist vein with a paring knife while trying to scrape a label off a plastic jar. Clearly I should not be allowed to use sharp objects without supervision.

The air conditioner is still broken. The compressor is shot, and we're waiting on the home warranty company to order a new one and send it to the heating and air company, who will then make an appointment to install it. I'm somewhat disappointed that the home warranty company opted not to replace the entire unit, but not surprised.

Luckily it's been relatively cool the past few days, so with the blower (but not the chiller) of the AC going, open windows, and a box fan, we've managed to keep the house at a tolerable temperature.

Despite this, Indy has been on a bit of a food strike for the past three days. He's acting normal, but he's barely eating. Even though it's probably nothing at all, MB and I are both worried. I may be taking him to the vet tomorrow just to make sure nothing's wrong. I'm slightly paranoid, since one of my parents' dogs simply stopped eating one day, declined over a few months, and eventually had to be put to sleep when non-invasive tests could find nothing wrong but he had clearly given up. Now that I've admitted that, I actually feel worse. :(

Work has been kicking my ass these past few days. I love my job, but things are BUSY right now.

I have the day off tomorrow, but since I have 22 important items on my to-do list, I'm guessing there won't be much time for relaxing.

And it is definitely past my bedtime.

Indy enjoying his daily grass time.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Maybe the dog isn't eating cause of the heat?

    Changes in animal behaviour freak me out..I guess it's the Not Talking thing that can be frustrating. :-)

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Good and hungry thoughts for Indy!

  3. I hope he feels better soon.
