Sunday, June 22, 2008

Maybe it's the English geek in me...

...but I'm kind of horrified that Sony has appropriated the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V for a freaking Playstation 3 commercial.

Is nothing sacred? *shakes fist*


  1. OH mygod. Thank you saying that. The thing that pisses me off is that someone think a SOny adman wrote that. Next it'll be the God for Sony, England and St George commercial.

  2. Nope nothing is. All the music and even poetry Ive always loved has sold toilet paper french fries even diapers it just sucks.

  3. I saw that the other day. The worst part about it -- it doesn't even make sense -- the racing cars, the little people -- I'm sure my college Shakespeare prof would be thrilled.

  4. I sort of felt the same way when the Beetles songs started showing up on Target and soda commercials. What the hell man?
