Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sweet relief

Tonight is one of those nights when I really, REALLY wish I could tell you more about my job. As I've mentioned a few times, I spent October working on a huge project with several of my coworkers. That project then served as the basis for three huge kids' programs this month. The final one was tonight, and it was the biggest. Sixty 4th and 5th graders spent the evening at our building doing crafts and going to presentations relating to the theme of the project (I wish I could say more, because it's a really cool project if I do say so myself ;) ).

As stressful as the prep and execution was, it was all worth it. At the very end of the night, one of the adults came up and introduced herself. She's been coming to our programs with her kids for years, but she took the time to tell me that she especially enjoyed this one, that her kids enjoyed it, and that she felt like they learned a lot. I wish I could have that conversation recorded to listen to when I feel dead-ended, because it's moments like that one that convince me I am in the right field and that I am good at my job. (Is it wrong that I sort of wish my boss and the director could hear it, too?)

I'm grateful that my pregnancy has been easy enough to allow me to do what I've done, too, especially since I planned these events before I got knocked up. I gambled, and this time I won. I have to admit, though, as high as I'm flying after knocking out three really successful programs in a row, I am so. damn. glad. that tonight was the last one. The prospect of not having to work an evening event -- complete with trucking up and down three flights of stairs multiple times throughout the night -- until after my maternity leave sounds SUPER GREAT right now. I am ready to relax, y'all.

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