Sunday, April 25, 2010

Poetic justice

Even though I know I'm not supposed to, I usually let Nico sleep on my lap in the mornings after I've nursed him in bed. We've never had any trouble or any scares until today, when he flat-out fell off the bed. I woke up from REM sleep to see his tiny blue-pajama'd body roll off the edge of the mattress, and I have never moved so fast in my life. But of course I wasn't fast enough, and he fell between the bed and the chair beside the bed where I put his Boppy and blanket when he's in his crib. He only cried for as long as it took me to scoop him up and clutch him to my chest, apologizing and rocking him. After cuddling him for a bit and nursing him again I put him in his own bed to sleep. He seemed no worse for wear, but I felt positively wretched.

We do our grocery shopping on Sundays, and today we decided to go out to lunch before we went to the store. Nico was a champ all through the meal, but by the time we were finished he was ready to eat. I nursed him in the passenger seat of the car and then because it was raining, I decided to put him in his carseat from the front seat instead of standing outside and getting wet. I had to kneel on my seat and recline the back in order to reach the straps on his seat, and once I got him fastened in, the reclined seat needed to be un-reclined before the baby seat would fit into the base. Maybe you can see where this is going. If you can, you're smarter than I am. I needed one hand to hold Nico's seat steady and one hand to operate the lever on my seat, so the only thing left to catch the seat back as it sprang upright was my face.

I can't help but think that it must've looked hilarious while it was happening.

Not quite the sympathetic reaction I was hoping for.


  1. Oh good. I usually discover things like twenty-five years after they're over, and I found your comment on a really old post by the queen of mediocretia who magpie told me to visit and I only did because I thought I could be a smartass and go back and say 'it's not that funny' but then it was that funny and most of my day disappeared and my children reported me for neglect and failure to deliver nutrition and affection, and I decided I would only ever read that one blog again but then I saw your comment and anyone named velocibadgergirl obviously had to be viewed in her natural habitat, hence my arrival here. Good luck getting rid of me.

  2. I can't see trying to get rid of someone with "biblio" in her name :)
