Sunday, September 05, 2010

Best day ever!

No matter how crappy my day has been, no matter how bad traffic gets, my mood can be salvaged by one simple thing. If I see a car driving down the road with a dog hanging its head out the window, my happiness is instantly restored and I have to smile, I can't help it.

Today I wasn't even having a bad day and traffic was nonexistent, so seeing a dog hanging its head out the window would've been a total bonus. But that's not what I saw. What I saw was way better:

And then BoMB and his girlfriend came over and cooked Thai food and we played two rounds of Blokus. I win today!

Reading:  Bloodroot by Amy Greene

Playing:  The Crane Wife by the Decemberists

1 comment:


    I do love the dogs happy wind-blown faces when they're in the car. Well, most dogs. My old dogs got nervous and used to fart a lot.. that's about it. No happy faces from them! ;)
