Thursday, November 11, 2010

New 100 Things, part 2

(Part one is here.)

26. I like to swim laps and will totally put a lap pool in my mansion if I ever win the lottery.

27. I love to fall asleep to the sound of a thunderstorm.

28. I have an overactive imagination.

29. Despite this, I like to watch paranormal reality shows before I go to bed and then I'm all creeped out and scared to take a shower.

30. My official favorite color has been yellow for as long as I can remember.

31. Don't tell yellow, but I kind of like green better now.

32. I'm adopted.

33. I have one kick-ass younger sister, also adopted.

34. I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 12 and took medication for it until I conceived Nico.

35. I have had glasses since fourth grade.

36. I never played sports.

37. Or took dance. Or gymnastics.

38. I did take years of piano lessons.

39. I also took Taekwondo lessons for seven years.

40. I earned my 2nd degree black belt, but please don't ask me to break any boards.

41. I always wanted to be a paleontologist.

42. When I was halfway through college I changed my mind and decided to be an environmental geologist instead.

43. I'm neither, but I'm pretty happy anyway.

44. I love camping and hiking and canoeing.

45. Not big on birdwatching, I'll admit.

46. Or birds in general. I think it's the erratic flight paths and the gross scritchy bird feet.

47. I have a skull collection. That's not creepy at all, is it?

48. I really like taking photographs.

49. I'm not very artistic, but I'm rather crafty.

50. I'm always late. I apologize, truly.


  1. like, real skulls?

  2. Yep, real ones. But not people, obviously. Just animals, and always ones that are already non-stinky skulls when I find them. As in, I don't go out and kill the animals or collect squishy roadkill or anything like that!
