Constant vigilance

It's that time again! We must stockpile our armaments and our awareness and such against the coming of Spring and velociraptor hunting season (them hunting us, that is). Join me for the second annual
Velociraptor Awareness Day and be prepared!!!
Are you prepared?
>> Read up on the latest info, and be prepared to hold impromptu seminars on the streets
>> Post up- Whether it be "Velociraptor Entry Point" posted on weak areas in your neighborhood, or going online to your favorite forum and raising the alarm, let people know what's up!
>> Dress up- Hold mock attacks throughout the day to really raise eyebrows and raise awareness
>> Film it up- Whether it be
Jurassic Park, or your favorite educational video, every little bit helps
>> Light it up- Hold a candlelight vigil in a central area for the victims and their families. Can't think of any victims? Put in the faces of the actors in the movies, or an
xkcd stick figure, or Randal Munroe himself, or me, as I will be away from campus, and therefore I can be a substitute victim. Also, you could use the faces of the friends who didn't join the group, as they are potential future victims.
>> Party it up- If the day is over, and everyone is still alive, you've done your job, so celebrate!
Please have a safe and enjoyable Velociraptor Awareness Day!