Monday, October 08, 2012



Our appointment today went great. All bits and parts accounted for and measuring appropriately. And our baby is definitely and without question a boy. It's funny, I did expect a little twinge of disappointment, but it wasn't there. I guess it might come later, especially when I finally get rid of the few bits of girl stuff I've stashed away. Right now, though, I'm just so pleased our little tiny guy is growing well and looking good in there. Another long-legged, big-footed, hopefully sweet, possibly redheaded boy. Brothers…can you believe it? Brothers!


  1. A BOY! Congratulations, lovely. I have serious boy vibes, so I might join you in a few months! :) x

  2. BROTHERS!!! Congratulations!

  3. Brothers will be so great! I'm so excited for you because Nico seems like such an awesome kid! I can't wait for your next one!

    I'm also excited because I'm not too far behind you and will be 16week Saturday! I'm still on the fence about finding out...

  4. Very happy for all of you :)

  5. I'm an only child, so watching the littles is such an amazing experience. Brothers!

    PS I totally get the title of your last post and wasn't creeped out by it.
