Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Too soon!

It snowed overnight Sunday into Monday, enough that school was canceled and Nico woke up begging to go play outside. Elliott's Kindermusik teacher, who is probably from somewhere up north, did not cancel class, so we went to that first. Afterwards, both boys did get to go play in the snow. I felt quite smug about having full snow kits in appropriate sizes for each of them. Elliott was rather skeptical of the whole affair and lasted about 20 minutes before attempting to go back into the house by himself. Nico had to be ordered inside for lunch after an hour and a half, and then asked to go back out in the afternoon. I still maintain that it's too early for snow and overnight lows of 10 degrees here in the Upper South, but at least the kids got their snow day. (And it's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow, so I'll curtail my complaining.)

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