Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another Stolen Meme

Lacking a good blog topic tonight, I decided to do a little housekeeping and slog through my list of bookmarks / favorites. I tend to throw any blog that catches my eye in there and then forget about it, so I find it helpful to go back through the list every now and again to see what gems I found and forgot.

In doing so, I discovered a really cool meme that I hadn't seen before, so I decided to filch it. It's a book meme, so I really couldn't resist. I hope Charlotte doesn't mind too much!

Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? I prefer trade paperbacks, but I've got no problems with mass markets if that's all I can get. I usually only buy hardbacks when they're on the bargain table.

Amazon or brick and mortar? Brick and mortar, though I do sometimes go daydreaming around on Amazon, thinking of all the gently used books I could buy.

Barnes & Noble or Borders? Barnes & Noble

Bookmark or dogear? Dogear, unless the book has slick pages or is really nice. I used to use bookmarks, but since I'm not very careful and I also tend to toss books into my backpack, bookmarks tend to fall out.

Alphabetise by author, or by title, or random? If I actually organized my books, I'd alphabetize by author, then title. Right now, it's very random, since I don't actually have enough shelves for my books.

Keep, throw away or sell? Keep or give away. Sometimes trade, but almost always keep.

Keep dust jacket or toss it? Keep, unless too ratty to salvage.

Read with dust jacket on or remove it? Remove, usually. When they're on, I'm always worried that I'll tear the corner or something.

Short story or novel? In general, I prefer novels, but I've read some great short stories over the years.

Collection of short stories or anthology? I don't really have a preference, though the last several short story collections I've read have been single-author.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Harry Potter. I haven't read any Lemony Snicket, though I hope to get around to those books someday.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? If I'm at home, I'll usually read until the chapter breaks. At work, I usually just stop when my lunch hour is up.

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"? Neither are particularly compelling, as far as beginnings go ;)

Buy or borrow? Depends on the book, but I love to buy!

New or used? Doesn't matter, as long as the used book is in relatively good shape. Or it's cheap. I'll buy nearly any book for $1.00 from the library's used books corner.

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? Lately, most of the things I buy are books that I've already read and loved, or are written by authors that I know won't let me down. Browsing books only usually make their way to me via bargain tables or the $1.00 book corner. As far as books I read, I'd have to say that the majority of stuff I've been getting from the library lately are based on friends' recommendations. I don't really read many book reviews, but I will look at the library for books that I see reviewed on Slate or at blogs that I like.

Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading? Whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Favourite series? Terry Pratchett's Discworld books

Favourite children’s book? It's really too hard to choose just one.

Favourite book of which no-one has heard? Rusalka by CJ Cherryh

Favourite books read last year? American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Sunshine by Robin McKinley, Mommy Wars by Leslie Morgan Steiner, Marley & Me by John Grogan, The Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz

Least favourite book finished last year? I can't recall anything completely crappy from last year, but I did return a book called Lady Blue to the library in disgust last week after reading only one chapter. It was somewhat atrocious.

What are you reading now? The Harp of the Grey Rose by Charles De Lint and Gorgon:  Paleontology, Obsession, and the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth's History by Peter D. Ward

What are you reading next? Something from my huge stack of library books, or one of the books I got for my birthday, or one of the ones I got for Christmas. I'm really behind!

While I was poking around, I found two really hilarious posts:

5penny and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

and one that begins with this line: "I managed to show my Dad my bare, white ass yesterday."

I also followed a link from Jocelyn's Stories to this gorgeous essay. Housecleaning the favorites list = good times.


  1. I'm totally with you on Harry Potter over Limeny Snicket. Totally.

    And on keeping or giving away books. Who the hell throws books away?! Blasphemous!!!

  2. Love that Meme...always get great ideas of what to add to my "to read" list. Just re-read Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. A must read, to say the least.

  3. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I'm terrible with series - I always go back to Book 1 when I feel like re-reading. Even if I've read them a thousand times before (Outlander series, HP series, Clan of the Cave Bear series) I just don't like picking one of the middle books and starting there. Am strange.
