Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lamey McLamepants

I was hoping something funny would happen today so I'd have a good topic to write about, but no such luck (Though we did end up giving a crazy lady a lift to a neighborhood about four times as ghetto fabulous as ours, and on the way she asked us if we knew so-and-so, who used to deal weed two streets up. Uh...not so much.)

MB and I are leaving right after work tomorrow to go camping with a friend of his from work and his wife, so on Sunday I should have something fun to talk about. Here are some pictures from the trip we took to the same campground last summer:

Catch you on the flipside, homies...until then:

Reading:  Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce

Playing: Eve 6


  1. Beautiful pictures! (even though daylilies are a invading species here I love them!) Is the turtle an eastern painted? I'd normally check out his neck but he doesn't seem interested in showing it. After seeing these pics I think I need to get out into the wilds more.

  2. Have an awesome trip! Don't come back until you've seen some nature.

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM long as you come back. Watch for poison ivy.

  4. Gizmo's been up to her ninja tricks again.
