Sunday, March 02, 2008

Feeling terribly grown-up

It's too bad working one's figurative ass off doesn't result in any reduction in size of one's actual ass. If it did, I'd be down at least five pounds. I had the weekend off, and made good on my promise to MB that I'd work on the house.

Yesterday morning, MB braved the attic and hauled down a whole lot of junk, and then put the Christmas stuff up there for storing. After that, he and my dad took a pickup-load of stuff to the dump. No more old mattresses or craptastic office chair in the extra room! Woohoo! While they were doing that, I took an entire CR-V-load of recycling to a county drop-off. No more gigantic pile of crap in the breakfast nook! Woohoo!

Today, I Rug-Doctored the future kid bedroom and then spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes and packing up stuff to take to Goodwill. Every box that leaves the house feels like a victory at this point.

The guest room, before and after:

It's not quite done, but once the floor in the future kid room dries, we'll be able to move the big dresser in there and assemble the guest room bed.

We only have a few more boxes of art / knickknacks to unpack, and the office is still pretty much in a shambles. On the good side of things, I found my most favorite earring of all time, which I lost months ago and assumed was gone for good. On the not so good side, I haven't seen my mp3 player since the day we got the keys and spent the evening cleaning over here, and I'm missing an entire box of sweaters. I hope they're hiding in the office. Speaking of the office, I should probably try to get a bit of work done in there before I call it a day.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!


  1. You know, we moved last May and someone STILL hasn't unpacked our office. Seriously. Its driving me bats.

    Hope the mp3 player turns up. :(

  2. I *so* need to do that to my basement. And I moved into this house in 2002.

    I hope the mp3 shows up too.

  3. Good for you it looks great. I'm sure you'll find the Mp3 player when the time is right.

  4. i'm trying to get rid of my extra junk, too. you never realize just how much you have until you see it all out in the open, no?

  5. For me it was trying to find boxes for everything that did it...and realizing if I didn't care enough about it to find a box, I probably shouldn't worry about keeping it ;)

    And now, unpacking stuff, I find things and think, "Why did we even bring this over here?"

    It's very cleansing, the purging of useless junk :D

  6. Oh, you are so right. My figurative ass is tiny, my literal one, not so much.
