Monday, April 07, 2008

They should put this in the brochure

If anybody ever needs people to go on record stating that marriage can be awesome, I'll be the first in line. Seriously. That's not to say every day is good or every day is easy. Yesterday, for example, was kind of sucky and kind of hard, but I get the feeling that has less to do with marriage and more to do with the fact that no two human beings can live in the same house and be in agreement about everything, every single day. Sooner or later, somebody's going to wake up in a pissy mood, and somebody else is going to take it personally. It's just a fact, man.

That said, today was a good day, an easy day. We came home from work, I fed the cat, and then we cooked together, which worked out well since MB is a good cook and I am an ace potato peeler. We made plans to start our compost pile this weekend, and to maybe get some more accoutrements* to prepare for adopting a dog. We sat on the couch together and puttered around on our computers while watching a DVD of The Dog Whisperer that I grabbed for MB at the library on my way home. Then, he made me laugh until I was gasping, until my stomach hurt, until tears were literally pouring down my cheeks, by threatening to lick my face as revenge for licking his hand.

Sensible? Nope. Mature? Hell, no. Hilarious? God, yes. And to think, if all goes as planned, I get to keep him forever.

Reading:  Free for All:  Oddballs, Geeks, and Gangsters in the Public Library by Don Borchert

Playing:  Secret Samadhi by Live (sound warning) (showing my age, no's so very late-90s rock. First video not entirely work safe.)

*according to Google, this word can be Anglicized as "accouterments." Is it just me, or does that make the word sound incredibly filthy?

Edited to add:  as of 10:59 PM, my Google Reader has exactly ZERO backlogged posts in it. ZEEEROOOOH. I'm going to bed before anybody gets all uppity and posts something.


  1. accouterments definately sounds like either sex toys or feminine hygiene products.

  2. I think funny is as sexy as hell. You gotta laugh if you dont want to kill each other

  3. Accounterments. Hahahaha! That's fantastic.

    Also? We have a framed, matted poster from when Live toured with Luscious Jackson, the Secret Samadhi tour. I think I'm stuck in a time warp when it comes to music.
