Holiday weekend snapshots
On Thursday, Danger and I went on our annual canoe trip on the Blue River. The weather was absolutely perfect, and we spent most of the day out of sight and earshot of other boats. Even though the 12 mile trip was a little shorter than we would've preferred, we had a wonderful time.
On Friday night I kidsat for the first time in quite a while. The Kid is still into Star Wars, being outside, and these days, Scooby Doo. We played outside, ate supper while watching two episodes of Scoob, and then read books. For the first time, he let me win a Star Wars battle. We were "fighting" with ships built from Star Wars Legos (seriously, seriously cool), and he crashed his ship into the side of the kitchen cabinet on purpose.
VBG: Oh, no! You crashed!
Kid: I did it so you could win.
VBG: That was nice.
Kid: Not for me.
VBG: Well, it was nice of you to let me win.
Seriously, though, I have NEVER been allowed to win a single lightsaber battle or blaster battle or spaceship battle. Progress!
And then he actually fell asleep in his bed before his parents got home, for the first time. Woot!

After a week of worsening shin pain, I turned to the runners on my message board for advice on how to keep walking Indy every day without hobbling like a grandma. "Shin splints!" they cried. "New shoes! Hurry!" Being cheap and broke, I really hoped they were wrong, but I also know the difference between the "no pain no gain" kind of pain and the "system failure imminent" kind. On Saturday morning, MB and I took Indy on a little outing--hippie pet store, Petsmart, and Sonic (Indy had a chili cheese coney with no chili, no cheese, and no bun). The pup thus worn out and safely tucked into his new and much bigger crate for a nap (because he's up to 41 pounds now. FORTY ONE!), we set out for the specialty running store in town. Maybe fifteen minutes later we walked out, each wearing the most expensive shoes we've ever owned.
(I have to admit, the shoes are pretty magical. I gave Indy three separate walks yesterday, and felt nary a twinge from my shins.)
Saturday night, the gang got together to celebrate Danger's birthday with super delicious strawberry-topped cake, super adorable Baby Incognito, a round of Apples to Apples and a crazy game of blended Munchkin:
+ Munchkin Bites + Munchkin Cthulhu + Munchkin Blender
To read about what we did Sunday, check out the garden blog.
For fun, Indy's new toy:
new toy from velocibadgergirl on Vimeo.
So, how about you? Do anything fun for the holiday weekend?
P.S. Does anybody post on Twitter? I still don't quite get it, but I'm interested in finding more people to follow.
Reading: Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner
Playing: Pearl Jam radio on Pandora
I saw a bumper sticker this weekend. It said "What would Scooby do?" How's that for thought-provoking!?
ReplyDeleteSounds great.. I had a good wekend too went to Philly and relaxed
ReplyDeleteI need new shoes..those are nice.
ReplyDeleteI love my twitter and the people I follow use it too..and I follow our local news and some bloggers..Love it!