Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nerds are the best kind of people

MB:  I figured out how they make skim milk.

VBG:  Yeah?

MB:  They put regular milk into a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats and let it sit. Then they remove all the good sugary stuff, and you get what's left.

VBG:  You'll get used to it. Think how many tons of 2% milk I drank, and I got used to it.

MB:  Hmm.

VBG:  Actually, I wonder how many tons of milk I've had. Can we calculate? Because I drink what...about 10 gallons a month?

MB:  Yep.

VBG:  So that's 120 gallons a year times let's say 20 years, since I probably didn't drink that much when I was little. What is that?

MB:  2400.

VBG:  Holy crap! And how much does a gallon of water weigh? Eight pounds?

MB:  I think so. Wait...yeah.

VBG:  Okay...2400 times 8 divided by 2000. HOLY CRAP. 9.6 tons! I drank almost ten tons of milk!


  1. I should probably focus on learning to like milk sometime soon to avoid shrinking to the size of a 10 year old when I'm sixty.

  2. Skim milk has a density of about 8.64 pounds per gallon, increasing your consumption to over 10 tons. Props to you!

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Personally I cannot stand skim milk, it's like chalk water.

    For me I went from 2% to 100% Fat Free Organic milk..tastes just like 2%
