Monday, June 09, 2008

Wait, what?

MB had a sudden and important errand related to a very part-time job he's starting this weekend come up after he'd already settled in for the night and had a few glasses of wine. I suggested we bring the dog along, since I'd just be waiting outside MB's destination anyway and since Indy seems to enjoy car rides. MB agreed, so at the risk of becoming Those People, the ones who take their dog everywhere, we loaded Indy into the car and set off. MB's part-time workplace is way out on the edge of town, and it's surrounded by a pretty good patch of grassy land. I let Indy (on his leash, of course) decide where we were going, and he seemed to be having a pretty fine time following his nose around.

After about 20 minutes, I could tell Indy was getting really thirsty, but there was no sign of MB. All the puddles in the parking lot had oil slick rainbows, so they were out of the question. Finally, after trying to text and call MB and getting no answer, I had to do something. I put Indy back into the car and told him I'd be right back, then took the small plastic banana split dish we keep in the door up to the building. I could see a water fountain from outside, so I knew I could get to the water if I kept my cool and hurried.

As I was filling up Indy's dish, a woman came out of one of the offices. "Hey, what's going on?" she said. It took me a second to realize she meant, "What's up?" and not "What are you doing here? I'm calling security." Since the secret to not getting questioned is often simply acting like you belong, I said, "Hi, how's it going?" right back to her.

"Let me ask you something, honey," she said, starting toward me. "Do you like white chocolate?"

"Uh...yes?" Okay, this is getting a bit strange. I'm stealing water in a small plastic ice cream dish and you're asking me about my chocolate preferences?

Then she walked over and handed me a box of some kind of soy meal replacement bars. "You can have these, then."

What could I do? I thanked her as if I had a fucking clue why someone I'd never met was handing me health food, and she wished me a good night and breezed off out the door. I'm still utterly mystified.


  1. if you had come to my workplace earlier i could have asked you what i asked several of my coworkers: "white or milk?"

  2. And Jesus said, when you see a woman so poor she must steal water, give her granola.
