Monday, January 12, 2009

Would you like to take a survey?

The day after I posted my list of 9 goals for the year, evilducky told me about a local women-only art show that I can enter. I'm allowed two entries for the fee, and I have to register by February 9th.

I'm definitely using this photo:

However, I cannot decide on a second. And so, I am turning to you. Which of the following should I also consider submitting to the show? I've been advised to print them in size Embarrassingly Ginormous, so they'll either be 16 x 20 or 11 x 14, depending what kind of resolution I can squeeze out of them.

Pink flower:

Oak leaf:

Light through leaves:

Autumn in Alaska:

A shell of his former self:


  1. pink flower, definitely!

  2. While I like the title of "A shell of his former self", I like the pink flower picture much more. So, I also vote for the flower.

  3. I have to say the pink flower is the best. Good luck!

  4. I vote for Light Through The Leaves. It has a very painterly quality and would look gorgeous in a large format. nice work!

  5. I think I like Pink Flower the best. The others are things in places you would normally find them. The flower is in an unexpected place.

  6. I think the Oak Leaf is the obvious choice LOL... not that I know what I"m talking about.. I just think it has a good composition ratio (the pink flower looks a little .. small.. to me) and it really does look like art... art that nature made and that you took a really aewsome picture of

  7. I would vote for the cicada. Great shot.

  8. Oak Leaf! Oak leaf!

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    is it too late to add my opinion?
    pink flower!

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Oak Leaf.

    Light Through Leaves makes me feel very happy inside, but Oak Leaf made me stare at it intently.

    Great photos, all of them. Good for you for achieving a goal in the first month of the year!!

  11. I prefer the Oak Leaf. I like the line of it and the colors a lot. It looks like you took time to compose it, and my eyes are drawn in to other aspects and study the whole frame.
