Monday, January 12, 2009

It's that time again

Today is the day where all across the internet, we're supposed to leave comments on the blogs we read. For me it might turn into Delurking Week, since I have almost 1000 posts backlogged in my reader, but that's my own fault.

Anyhoo, if you're reading this, please take a moment to leave a comment and tell me something about yourself. It can be really simple...what's your favorite color or number or breakfast cereal? Leave me a link to your blog, too, if you have one, so I can visit! And as always, thanks for reading.


  1. Well, you don't need a link to my blog since you know where it is, but I'll play along. Favorite # is 25. I was born on the 25th of a month, as were my maternal grandmother an grandfather, plus it's a # that pops up constantly in my life. A good number.

    Although "16" might be my next favorite # as, coincidentally, I adopted both Mack and Clara on the 16th of a month, my best friend and my mom both have birthdays on the 16th of months, etc...

  2. Even though I don't comment often, I lurk every day. :)
