Sunday, March 01, 2009

Happy Sunday

I posted a new review and giveaway at the book blog (ends March 8th, so visit soon!), and I'm also resurrecting the garden blog if anyone's interested.

And watch this video, but not if you're at work and someone might hear you laughing your ass off:


  1. ha ha! all but the last part reminded me of the dog in Disney's Cinderella.

  2. Oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard at that! I watched it three times. At first, I was thinking it looked just like my dog...until it went all crazy and ran into the wall!

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I'm guessing he was having a most excellent dream, right up 'til that last moment!

  4. that is so much less funny when it happens on your lap. although, i've never had one run into a wall, either.

  5. LMAO. Thank you. That was the highlight of my day.
