Please send Phish Food, ice
On the positive side of things, Indy seems to be improving. This morning he finished what was left of last night's dinner. I was off work, so for his morning walk we trekked over to my parents' house, which is a 20-minute trip at a nice mellow pace through some really pretty neighborhoods. I even remembered the camera so I could document things we saw along the way.

Once we arrived, Mom had 40 minutes before she had to leave for work, so she invited Indy to go out back and play with Maggie, which he did with great enthusiasm. Watching him run top speed around the yard with Mags convinced me that he must not be feeling TOO poorly. He got to play with her for about half an hour, and then we walked another 20 minutes home.

Back home, I left a message for his vet to call me, even though he ate half of his normal breakfast portion. He napped all morning, and his doctor called around noon or so. She backed up my suspicion that for a puppy to nearly stop eating is pretty odd, but said that as long as his tongue was pink and not pale, he wasn't having any unpleasant digestive issues, and he was eating at least something, he'd probably be okay. She had me touch and push gently on his tummy, which he didn't mind. She had me check his gums, which was kind of funny. "How do his gums look? Are they nice and pink?" "Um...they're actually sort of black." "Oh. Well, how's his tongue?"
I do think his tongue might've been rather pale a few days ago, before he started this episode, so maybe he was a little bit sickly then and is now getting past the worst of it. I'm crossing my fingers that he's just a little put off by the heat and that he'll be fine, but I'm going to keep a close eye on him just in case.
In other, less positive news, the AC is not fixed yet. The home warranty company ordered a new compressor, and once it arrives at the contractors', they'll make an appointment to install it. It got hot and stuffy in the house today. Pretty damn miserable for me, and I don't have fur. I'm a little bit worried about the pets. We have two box fans going and the windows open, and are making sure they have plenty of water. I bought Indy some doggie "smoothies" (frozen fruit pulp in little plastic cups) even though I'd never do that under normal circumstances. I wish they'd had some kind of tunasicles for the cat, even though out of spite he probably wouldn't eat them. I'm really hoping they get the AC fixed Monday, because it's SO humid and gross in here.
Just because:
It's hard to get good photos of Indy, especially indoors, but I'm going to post this rather fuzzy one anyway. He's too cute not to share!