Adventures in BabyKidsitting
I kidsat the usual charge tonight. As we were playing with the planes we'd built out of Duplo blocks, he made up a song about planes. I think he was trying to imitate drumbeats before the verses, but it sounded for all the world like he was trying to beatbox. It was SO HARD to not laugh.
Project Runway...the somewhat disjointed recap
This episode was pretty good, I thought. Jeffrey actually seemed to put his dickhead behavior away for once. During the part where he was chasing Uli around the workroom, flapping the arms of her "muu-muu dress" like a crazed pterodactyl, I almost liked him a tiny bit. During the model selection, why did Amanda actually look surprised that Jeffrey chose Marilinda instead of her? I didn't know that in seasons past, the final four went to Olympus Fashion Week with one going as a "decoy," so when someone I know posted about the four collections on a message board I frequent, it pretty much ruined the surprise for me.
Even if it was a gimmick that they'd planned from the beginning, I still think it'll work out well. With four designers as diverse and generally talented as these, it should make for a good showdown. I still want Michael to win, despite the fact that his last dress was not so great. Next week...reunion. I am NOT LOOKING FORWARD to seeing Keith the Ass again. Also? In the promo? I heard Vincent say something that sounded like "I can't help it if it turns me on." I don't know what else was said, because by the time he finished, I was curled up behind the sofa with my arms wrapped around my head, humming a vacant little tune.
America's Next Top Model
Eventually the models will stop S H R I E K I N G every time they see Tyra Banks, right? Right? Please...? I'd also say, "Eventually Tyra will stop plastering 14 thousand photos of herself all over the set, right?" but I think the fact that the contestants each sleep under a giant poster of Tyra's face renders that question moot. Also, weather alerts over about ten full minutes of the somewhat important content, like WHAT THEY WERE DOING FOR THE MAKEOVERS? Fuck that shit sideways, dude. Speaking of makeovers, three things. (1) Poor Jaeda. Poor, poor Jaeda. Now that they've chopped her hair boy-short, what do you wanna bet they're going to comment during EVERY photo shoot now about how masculine she looks? (2) How much crybaby can we be expected to take in one hour? (3) I like Anchal more every minute. She killed me with her "threehead" comment.
Here's a big shocker: I despise Monique. What a bitch. And during that whole drama-rama nonsense at the house, what was up with the one white chick who was wearing a regular bra under a black tube top?
WTF was Tyra wearing during judging? Even MB looked up and said, "What the hell is Tyra wearing?" Good Lord. Anyhow, the photos were interesting. Michelle looks plain most of the time, but she photographs SO damn well. I think it's lame that Michelle and Amanda are listed together with one photo in the opening credits. Because, you know, twins are really just one person, right? CariDee seems like she'd be a little much in person, but as someone with a beloved college roommate from North Dakota, I loved her a little bit when she said "Uff da!" in relief after being called forward for her photo. After living with the darling, fabulous C. for a year, I now say "Uff da."
Here's why those weather alerts were blocking out the ANTM action:

This photograph was taken (not by me) in a city near where I live, though it easily could've been taken in my hometown. I saw the most wicked-bad light show while I was driving from visiting MB's friend and his wife at the hospital to chai & chat. Badass, huh?
If you've got good thoughts to spare, send them MB's friend's way. Baby X seems very hale and hearty, but he was born at barely 34 and a half weeks, and he's going to be in the NICU for at least two weeks.
Reading: Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko, stuff for a paper on Kafka for school
Playing: Tonic, Flogging Molly, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, and the soundtracks to Hero and House of Flying Daggers.